Today was quite a steady day, over 72 miles and quite possibly the most fun I've ever had on a bike! Our group, which has two guys who were in group 4, and four of us who were in group 2 have had an absolute scream today and managed to achieve two "stage wins" - first to the morning rest stop and first to the hotel. We were feeling good, pressed on and managed our highest average speed of the trip so far - while having a great laugh!
Again there was some amazing scenery, lochs and mountains with vistas as far as the eye can see! Went along side Culloden Battlefield (ish), down into Inverness (another great view) before some nice rolling countryside out to Tain after lunch.
Once we were about 10 miles away from Tain and hadn't been overtaken, we decided as a group to really push flat out and see if we could get to the hotel first (which we did). Tomorrow won't be pushing as hard as that but it was great fun!!
So tomorrow brings us to the final day of cycling as we head to John O'Groats!! Can't quite believe we've made it this far and we certainly wouldn't have made it without Martin, Marilyn, Andrew, Charlotte, Leanne and Scott - our amazing support crew. They've given so much of their time and energy to allow us to do this and we are all eternally grateful!
It's an 85 mile day tomorrow which includes pretty much turning left out of the hotel and staying on the same road for 51 miles! Can't wait to get there all together and hopefully a great sense of accomplishment!
Photos from today:
Our bunch love a puncture.
View from the bridge out of Inverness
Out hotel
Our hotel room
Our group 4/2/3b/f£&k ups 😂
Today's route
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